Beyond tea

At Canton we seek out the best artisan teas, and buy them fresh each season direct from small gardens. They have been slow grown, skillfully picked and lovingly handcrafted. And then we hand these tender young buds and leaves over to you, our partners – and we worry about how they will be treated.

‍Silver Needle

This is why we work with our partners to ensure these authentic teas are stored correctly, brewed accurately and served beautifully so they reach your customers at their best.

There is far more to your tea service than just buying good tea 

Every aspect of your tea service undergoes our scrutiny to make sure we are a partner not just a supplier. With our experience and expertise, we will inspire your team to get the best from the leaves with our ongoing training programme: Teach. We will advise on water, tea storage and teaware. and we follow up with audits to ensure the service plan is implemented and standards are maintained.

We are long term partners to Five star hotels, Michelin-starred restaurants and numerous independents who care passionately about the details. Serving teas from Canton expresses attention to detail that differentiates you - and your customers will love you for it.